Grand Tour of Columbia County

Description:  All around Columbia County, NY.

83 miles, with some hills (5000 vertical feet).  

62 miles, if follow Major Variation A.

Highlights:  Sweeping views, old houses, farms and lots of quiet roads -- and a waterfall or two -- and a classic downhill run. 

Characteristics:  Lots of medium and small climbs to be done -- and at least one pretty long one.  Mostly back roads, but some sections on high-speed roads.

Directions to Start

By train:  Take Amtrak to Hudson, NY, and start the route there.

By car:  Entrance to Lake Taghkanic State Park is on the East side of the Taconic State Parkway.  No charge for parking before or after the main swimming and boating season.  Follow signs for East Beach parking lot.

Cue Sheet

Similar, extended route on Ride with GPS